
Friday, January 14, 2011

How many massacres will it take for gutless politicians to stand up to gun nuts?

before you read the blog below, pls understand that i have very mixed feelings about gun control and gun ownership.  i do think that the majority of guns on the street were obtained illegally and are un-registered.  in addition, i think that most shootings are not by a homeowner defending his property.  i cannot imagine what it feels like to fire a gun with the intention of killing or stopping someone from killing me or someone close to me.  but i also have been in some scary situations where i thought i would have felt better if i had a gun in my possession.  so i don't know.  but i think this blog is a good read.   

By John Horgan | Jan 12, 2011 08:00 AM |

It's happened again. A deranged American male has gone on a rampage with a semiautomatic weapon, shooting down a score of people—this time at a political gathering in Tucson, Ariz. If past experience is any guide, gun lovers will trot out the familiar excuses: Guns don't kill people, people do. If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. If more people at the meeting in Arizona had been packing heat, they could have shot the bad guy before he killed so many people.

Yes, that's what we need, more guns.

I blame these massacres on not only despicable pro-gun groups such as the National Rifle Association—which feed off and fuel Americans' childish obsession with firearms—but also on the cowardice of politicians. In 2008 the NRA warned that Barack Obama would be the most anti-gun president ever.

Actually, Obama, although he supported gun controls when he was an Illinois state senator, switched his stance during his presidential campaign. "I believe in the Second Amendment," he said. "I believe in people's lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won't take your handgun away."

He was true to his word: "Fears aside, gun rights thrive under Obama," The Washington Independent reported in July. President Obama signed a law permitting people to carry guns into National Parks. He did not protest when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states and local governments could not overrule citizens' federal right to bear arms or when legislators in Louisiana and Arizona passed laws allowing people to carry weapons into churches and bars, respectively. After a year in office, Obama received an "F" rating from the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
Here are some facts from the Brady Center: About 100,000 Americans are wounded or killed by firearms each year in the U.S.—which has the highest levels of gun ownership in the world—and more than a million Americans have been shot to death since 1968. Although gun supporters tout the benefits of self-defense, a gun is 22 times more likely to be used in a suicide attempt; criminal assault or homicide; or unintentional shooting death or injury than for self-defense. Higher household gun ownership correlates with higher rates of homicide, suicide and unintentional shootings. 
The American fetish for guns hurts non-Americans, too. The U.S. is the world's leading source for small arms—defined as weapons that can be carried and operated by a single person—as it is for larger, more expensive weapons, such as tanks and jet fighters. Small arms, which range from pistols and rifles to rocket-launched grenades and shoulder-fired missiles, are the biggest killers in wars around the world. The International Action Network on Small Arms estimates that more than 600 million are in circulation.

The Action Network lobbies for tighter national and international controls on the manufacture and trade of small arms; urges a system of marking all firearms (perhaps with embedded computer chips, to allow easy tracking by law-enforcement officials); and promotes programs for collecting and destroying small arms. But the NRA has successfully blocked international as well as domestic gun control.

(Fun facts: By far the most lethal small arm in history is the AK-47, according to the technology historian Edward Tenner. The "A" stands for automatic; the "K" for Mikhail Kalashnikov, the Russian Army soldier who invented the gun; the "47" for 1947, the year of the gun's invention. The firearm's popularity stems from its lightness, reliability and the ease with which it can be repaired and manufactured. Lt. Gen. Kalashnikov, whose invention killed thousands of Americans in Vietnam and elsewhere, is a lifetime member of the NRA.)

Mexican drug thugs, who have killed more than 30,000 people in recent years, rely on guns from the U.S. "Drug cartels have aggressively turned to the U.S. because Mexico severely restricts gun ownership," the Washington Post reported in December. U.S. attempts to crack down on American dealers of arms to Mexico, the Post noted, are thwarted by "laws backed by the gun lobby that make it difficult to prove cases."

The gun lobby consists of people like Robby, whom I met while flying to Salt Lake City to attend a conference (on the evolution of aggression, of all things). Robby (not his real name) was a chatty fellow with a bad-boy chuckle: Heh heh.

I asked him what he did for a living and he replied, with a sly grin, "Recreational equipment." His wife insisted he give strangers this answer, because she worried that liberal pansies would get upset if Robby told them that he sold firearms. Heh heh. Robby had sold all sorts of guns to all sorts of people, including Italian and Russian mobsters. In fact, in a few days he was flying to Arizona to peddle his wares at a big gun show.

Robby had a conspiratorial view of illegal aliens. Young Latino men, he claimed, were joining the U.S. armed forces in huge numbers so they could get training for gang fights and possibly race wars. War was going to break out between Latinos and whites in the U.S. Southwest; it was only a matter of time. There has always been war, Robby chortled, and there always will be. And he will be there to supply the weapons! Heh heh.

Obama had been great for Robby’s business; as soon as it looked like Obama might become president, folks started stockpiling guns, because they figured Obama would favor stricter gun controls. When I said I believed in gun control, Robby replied that he did, too: Hold onto your gun with two hands; that's gun control. Heh heh.

Shutting down gun dealers like Robby may not have prevented the Tucson massacre, but it would be a step toward a saner world.

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