
Saturday, January 8, 2011


the modern world has progressed far beyond archaic religious mumbo jumbo.  religion and god were created to comfort those who lived in a world that was so complex and beyond their meager comprehension, mythical stories, legends, fables were created to soothe the living into death, to explain the unexplainable.  but science has led us to a much deeper understanding of humans, earth and their place in the universe.  it is absurd to think that their is a big guy that hovers somewhere in heaven, calling the shots in every single humans life.  it is absurd to think that an "all loving" god would spare the life of a convicted, but faithful, pedophile but burden children with abuse, disease, hunger, poverty, etc.  it is absurd to believe that an intelligent person cannot possibly understand the meaning of the good book because they do not accept JC as their personal savior, they do not believe he led the perfect life and died for our sins, only to rise again.

religion is the root of all evil in our history and to deny the facts that lead to that conclusion is to deny testimony, witness of centuries of lives wasted as a product of brain-washing.

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